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410 Guage 2 1/2 Inch Pepper Blast

410 Shotgun 2 1/2 Inch Pepper Blast

$15.00 PLus S&H

The Pepper Blast Round produces a cone shaped blast of OC powder approximately 8 feet in diameter at 25 feet. The agent used is the same as used by the Israeli Riot Police. It is recommended for outdoor use. It is a persistent agent that will linger if fired indoors. It’s practical use is for riot control and where less than lethal force is necessary. 5 Round Pack, 2 3/4 Inch Round.

Non Lethal Rounds

Great for Animal Control.

This item may be out of stock, check website frequently.
No Quantity Limit on per Purchase.
Can Mix and Match Ammo.

Limited Availability.
Ships to your home.
No Federal License Required.
Warning: Make sure your comply with all state and local laws where you reside before ordering. Any restrictions are buyer’s responsibility.
Hazardous Materials, Cannot Ship to a PO Box or Business Address.


Sorry, all prices are subject to change depending on availability and manufacturer increases.

Any questions about use or to place an order, please contact us -
Everything 37mm and Exotic
Phone: 480 955 9130
Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10:am to 5:00pm, Closed Sundays

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410 Gauge 2 1/2 Inch Pepper Blast

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