410 Gauge Rubber Buckshot
$15.00 Plus S&H
410 Rubber Buckshot is intended for close range defensive use. This load gives shooters an option not otherwise available in this caliber. This load can be used as a painful warning shot, but can also be lethal under some circumstances. Those who may be reluctant to shoot at another person even in their own defense can now control their personal space with greater confidence. This load also provides a greater margin of safety to innocent persons nearby or in adjoining rooms.
The four (4) 0406 diameter balls have relatively high velocity but have very low mass. The available kinetic energy is shed quickly over distance. Penetration of the body is possible at close range. Some level of injury should be expected and can range from serious injury or death to painful welts or bruising. Results can vary based on the weapon used, distance to target, clothing, body weight and part of the body hit:
Shots to the lower body, legs and arms are less likely to cause serious injury, while impacting the head, neck, spine and upper chest are more likely to be serious. Shots to parts of the body with large muscle groups, soft tissue or covered by clothing will have a lesser likelihood of penetrating. Be aware that choice of weapon will dictate velocity and that velocity plays a major factor in determining available kinetic energy and potential injury outcome.Velocity @ 3 ft. Avail. Kinetic Energy
18 Inch Pump shotgun: 1400 fps 182 ft/lbs
4 Inch Revolver: 1150 fps 123 ft/Ibs
3 Inch Derringer: 1000 fps 93 ft/lbs
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Everything 37mm & Exotic
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JS Firearms Sales & Accessories, LLC

A small business owned and operated by a Veteran and a minority female
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